Kouvola Security Conference

September 13th, 2024
Kouvola City Hall

This year, the event theme will attempt to answer the question
How can we ensure a safer future?

The topic will be addressed through four sub-themes comprising comprehensive security, security technology and artificial intelligence, and Finland’s security of supply.

#KouvolaSecurity #KouvolaSecurity2024

Opening of the conference

Tommy Fränti, Journalist and host, YLE

City of Kouvola’s welcome words
Marita Toikka
, Mayor, City of Kouvola

Keynote: (ENG)
Philip M. Breedlove, General, SACEUR, former Commander of NATO Forces in Europe

Different views for the secure future  

  • National – TBC
  • European – Heidi Hautala, MEP
  • Global – Mikko Hautala, Ambassador of the Republic of Finland to the United States of America

Discussions of all four different themes will be organized in two lots during the conference at the same time in different locations at 11.30 o´clock and 14.00 o´clock.

I DISCUSSION: If you want peace, prepare for war – European capability in defence production (ENG)

Introduction of the discussion:
Esa Rautalinko, CEO, Patria Group

Commentary speeches:

  • Jukka Kopra, Chair of the Defence Committee, MP
  • Sir Richard Shirreff, General, SACEUR, former Commander of NATO Forces in Europe

Facilitator :
Sirje Ahvenlampi-Hyvönen,
Director of Communications, Patria Group

II DISCUSSIONThe fight over peoples´minds – How to build resilience in the age of disinformation (ENG)

Introduction of the discussion:
Minna Nenonen, Executive Director, The Finnish Reservists’ Association (FRA)

Commentary speeches:

  • Jakub Kalensky, Deputy Director, The European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats (Hybrid CoE)
  • Veera Heinonen, Director, Democracy and engagement, The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra
  • Jukka Niva, Head of the Yle News Lab

Facilitator: Minna Nenonen, Executive Director, The Finnish Reservists’ Association (FRA)

III DISCUSSION: Capability Development in Multi-Domain Operations (MDO)
Live Demo: Common synthetic Environment  

The Common Synthetic Environment integrates multiple leading technologies in the defence and security sectors. By bringing together various technologies, it enables the training and support of multidimensional operations (MDO).​ 

  • Timo Levo, Global Defence Lead, Accenture
  • Jaakko Hyvärinen, Managing Director, Accenture Innovation
  • Anssi Munkki, Senior Manager, Accenture

IV DICSUSSION: Lessons from crises – How is a secure supply chain built in Finland? 

Commentary speeches:

  • Jaakko Wallenius, Chief Security Office, Vice President, Elisa
  • Mikko Heiskanen, Deputy Chief of Staff, Armaments and Logistics, General Lieutenant, The Finnish Defence Forces
  • Ari-Pekka Saari, Managing Director, Steveco
  • TBC, National Emergency Supply Agency

Facilitator: Riitta Väkeväinen, Director of Communications, National Emergency Supply Agency

12.30 – 14.00 Break

Discussions of all four different themes will be organized in two lots during the conference at the same time in different locations. Please see the themes above.

15.00  Break

Panel discussion:

How do we ensure a secure future?

  • Esa Rautalinko, CEO, Patria Group
  • Veera Heinonen, Director, Democracy and engagement, The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra
  • TBC, The Finnish Defence Forces


Summary and closing remarks

Updated 1.7.2024